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Holiday Gift Guide 2017!

Holiday Gift Guide 2017!

This is it. Your year. You have been planning for months and you know exactly what’s going under your tree.
Well, except for a few of the tough ones. Mom, Dad, Wife…. Let’s face it. You’re in trouble.

We can help! Step up your gift game this year with these 5 cozy gift ideas for 2017:

For Dad:

We know, this one is the toughest. But we have gone through a lot of Christmases with many-a-dads, and we’ve come up with something that won’t fail. Gift him an experience. Whether he loves whisky tasting or the next car show in town, he would love nothing more than to spend an afternoon with you.

For Mom:

Let's be real- Your mom deserves the whole universe and you’d give it to her if you could! Our tip? Gift her something that she would never buy for herself, like a rose gold bangle or an Alpaca Fringe Throw. These are things that she’ll use and that won’t sit in a corner for years to come.








For the Traveler: 

Number one concern for many travelers: Jet leg and never being able to sleep on the plane. This Travel Set is perfect for world travelers young and old. Made with 100% Merino Wool, this set is ultra-soft, breathable, and super comfy. We wouldn’t put it past them if they used it at home, too.

     For the almost-a-friend-but-still-kind-of-an-acquaintance: 

    This one is always a weird one. You’re at that place in your friendship where you want to take it to the next level, but not too fast. You don’t exactly know a lot of personal details about them, but you most likely will grow into best friends over time. Our best bet? If they are into the occasional cocktail, get them a novelty or interesting bottle of an alcohol they like! If you’re lucky, they’ll invite you over to share it.

       For the Lover:

      We know that in this day in age, gift giving can get out of hand. Keep this in mind: It is not about how much money you spend on your significant other. In fact, a lot of couples prefer to give sentimental gifts at this time of year to show their affection, rather than a robot vacuum or something. Try this: Find a photo of a time or event where you and your partner had an amazing time together. Make it into a sentimental show of affection by putting it in a frame with a note about why it was special for you. Something like this can be cherished on your night table for years to come.


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